We purchased our first Nigerian Dwarf goats in 2009 and have been obsessed with the breed ever since! Located in Phoenix, Arizona, our purpose is to raise friendly Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats with correct body composition & high milk production that will contribute to a long, productive, & healthy life. We spent the first decade of owning goats here in the Arizona desert perfecting our nutritional protocol to meet the needs of this ever-improving dairy breed. We’re excited about the potential of our herd as it develops & improves in the coming years. We are an ADGA Plus herd and participate in DHI (milk testing), & hopefully in 2023, Linear Appraisals. Our herd management protocol includes feeding a combination of quality locally grown Arizona alfalfa hay, timothy/orchard grass pellets, Sweetlix minerals, kelp, & herbs free choice, along with Purina dairy goat, Black oil sunflower seeds, and Diamond V yeast. We give an herbal dewormer and trim hooves monthly. We give copper boluses (as needed) every 6 months and Replamin Plus gel monthly. We run routine fecals and have rarely needed to rely on medicated dewormers. Our kids are started off with a 2-part coccidia prevention and are started on herbal dewormers as well. We also give their CD&T vaccinations at 8 & 12 weeks, and then yearly after that.